who are stuck in a losing cycle, making the same mistakes


How I went from red to consistent green

Get instant access and learn the proven 3-step process to stop trading emotionally and move to profitability quickly

By Agnieszka Wood, Trading Mindset Coach & Trader +10 years


who are stuck in a losing cycle, repeating the same mistakes

How I went from red to consistent green

By Agnieszka Wood — Trading Mindset Coach & Trader 10+ yr.


Do you struggle...

to control your emotions and keep giving away all your profits?

Yes, the market will trigger you and make you behave irrationally. But, it's not your emotions that are causing you to fail. You don't lose control (and money) because of emotions! They're just a symptom of an underlying issue. Trying to control them is a WRONG SOLUTION and won't give you the results you want! When you don't address the ROOT CAUSE behind your emotional responses that lead to irrational trading decisions, you end up in a failing cycle. Just like most traders. And that's why most traders spend years trying to succeed!

Your success as a trader...

is determined by your ability to control emotional responses. 

It's the secret sauce that separates the winners from the rest. But very few traders know how to do it! Most traders are trying to control their emotions and not addressing the root cause of the problem. 

And it's not working: the stats show that over 95% of traders fail to become profitable!

And... here's where your advantage kicks in!

Do you struggle...

to control your emotions and keep giving away all your profits?

Yes, the market will trigger you and make you behave irrationally. BUT, it's not your emotions that are causing you to fail. You don't lose control (and money) because of emotions!

They're just a symptom of an underlying issue. Trying to control them is a WRONG SOLUTION and won't give you the results you want! 

When you don't address the ROOT CAUSE behind your emotional responses that lead to irrational trading decisions, you end up in a failing cycle.

And that's why most traders spend years trying to succeed!

Your success as a trader...

is determined by your ability to control emotional responses.

It's the secret sauce that separates the winners from the rest. But a very few traders know how to do it!

Most traders are trying to control their emotions and not addressing the root cause of the problem. 

And it's obviously not working: the stats show that over 95% of traders fail to become profitable!

And... here's where your advantage kicks in.

Hi, I'm Agnieszka Wood!

As a trader, who was stuck in a failing cycle for too long, I know exactly the impact the emotional rollercoaster can have on your trading results, your self-esteem, your health, and your family life.

That's why, with my over 20 years of expertise in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), my background as a life coach, and 10+ years of trading experience, in my coaching I focus on the often underestimated inner work.

Through Ahead Coach, I offer a range of Mindset Coaching services to help traders with a mindset transformation. So, they can step out of a losing cycle, get in control, start following their trading plan, and achieve consistency in their results. So, if you don't achieve the trading results you want, you're in the right place! I look forward to adding value to your trading journey.


Hi, I'm Agnieszka Wood!

I help traders to master what truly makes a difference in achieving trading success.

As a trader, who was stuck in a failing cycle for too long, I know exactly the impact the emotional rollercoaster can have on your trading results, your self-esteem, your health and your family life.

That's why, with my over 20 years of expertise in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), my background as a life coach and 10+ years of trading experience, in my coaching work with traders I focus on the often underestimated inner work.

Through Ahead Coach, I offer a range of Mindset Coaching services helping traders with a mindset transformation. So, they can step out of a losing cycle, get in control, start following their trading plan and achieve consistency in their results.

So, if you don't achieve the trading results you want, you're in the right place!

I look forward to adding value to your trading journey.

Get Instant Access for FREE Now

Check out what other traders are saying...

I never realized how much my personal experiences influenced my trading...

I feel more equipped to deal with the market and my emotional reactions to it. Thank you for helping me realize that my subconscious thoughts were controlling my actions, and helping me to regain conscious control!


Agnieszka is a natural at what she does...

She has a clear knack for digging deep into behavior patterns and thought processes, to identify the root causes of what may be keeping you from progressing. I am very thankful for our shared time and the fresh perspective she helped me to foster.


Thanks to this knowledge I was able to break through bad behavior patterns...

It really helped me do a deep dive into my mindset issues and completely change the way I react emotionally. I was able to break through bad behavior patterns that I've struggled with for years with her help.
